See How You Can Get Involved
A message from the International Hip Dysplasia Institute
The International Hip Dysplasia Institute (IHDI) was created because one mom saw a need and decided she could make a difference (read her story here).
There are many similarities between how IHDI got its start, and you reaching out wanting to get involved. We wouldn’t be here without your support, and the world is a better place because of your advocacy. Every time you mention hip dysplasia in conversation, every dollar you donate, every time you share our posts on social media, you help to raise awareness and support our mission. We thank you for recognizing the need for bringing awareness to this common and curable condition.
There are many ways we can help guide you through the supporting our research and education initiatives. If you should have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at
If you want to learn more about how to get active within the DDH Community please visit our affiliate site “Miles4Hips” as they host and facilitate our fundraising events where you can “Compete Philanthropically” by building a fundraising team, volunteer with other wonderful international community members , or represent by taking advantage of some “New Merch Options” for yourself or a loved one who is affected. See out community getting involved in this years “Pass the Crutch” video.
Upcoming Events
Day of Movement Oct, 22nd 2022
*When thinking about your team and Day of Movement activity, please prioritize safety of yourself, your families, your friends, and your communities by following your local and state recommendations for group gatherings, social distancing, and mask wearing.