Hoffman-Daimler Update and Opinion

Hoffman-Daimler Update and Opinion

The Hoffman-Daimler method of reducing dislocated hips in older children can be viewed on YouTube. This method was published as a scientific paper in the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery in June, 2007. Shortly after that publication, we invited the author to visit Orlando and demonstrate the technique. 

The cases he shared with us were impressive and believable, but our requests to visit Greece to observe the method in person have been denied by the author. I have attempted to use this technique in a few children, but have found it difficult, prolonged, and inconsistent compared to the Pavlik Harness or traditional closed reduction and cast management for older children. 

Nick Clarke, M.D., a member of our Medical Advisory Board, has also investigated the method by visiting the city in Germany where the method was initially developed. Prof. Clarke reported that the method has been abandoned in the hospital where it was initially developed.

For these reasons, we cannot currently recommend the Hoffman-Daimler Method for reduction of dislocated hips. We will continue to investigate this and other methods and report any new developments or promising new treatments.