International Hip Dysplasia Institute (IHDI) physicians are listed below by country and region. IHDI Physicians participate in IHDI efforts with contributions above and beyond direct patient care for the advancement of hip dysplasia advocacy, research, and/or education.
For a list of pediatric orthopedic surgeons in North America, please visit the website of the Pediatric Orthopedic Society of North America (POSNA).
For a list of hip preservation surgeons, please visit the website of The Academic Network of Conservational Hip Outcomes Research (ANCHOR)
For adult hip problems and total hip replacement, please visit the website of the American Association of Hip and Knee Surgeons (AAHKS).
Please note that IHDI is not a certifying organization and does not endorse the care provided by the physicians listed on this website.
Physician Categories
This list of physicians is not certified by the International Hip Dysplasia Institute. All information listed on this page is only
intended to serve as a resource for patients and families to connect with physicians local to their area or medical need. Any
doctors listed as an IHDI Physician are notated for their magnanimous contribution to the field of DDH research as an
advocate, educator, or volunteer in alignment with our Institute’s Mission and Objectives.
*Please refer to the icons in this legend to as a reference guide for each practitioner’s area of expertise.
IHDI Physician
Hip Preservation
Total Hip