The International Hip Dysplasia Institute is focused on improving the Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment of Hip Dysplasia. Pediatricians often fall inline with a number of our strategic initiatives since they tend to be the front line defense for the diagnosis of hip dysplasia.
To assist pediatricians around the world, and with support from loyal donors, the IHDI created the “Teaching Box“. We send these boxes to pediatricians, medical schools and other healthcare professionals who not only see a large number of patients, but also train many medical residences.
This Teaching Box is a two-part system to help train all levels of health providers:
Part 1: Diagnosis
| Part 2: Early Treatment
Each Teaching Box at cost for materials is around $2,000 USD to create and send out, but each Teaching Box may be used multiple times.
IHDI Now Provides The Opportunity for Physician’s to Earn CME’s free of charge here.
DDH Diagnosis and Referral for Primary Care
Hosted by OrlandoHealth
Over the years we’ve distributed many boxes all over the world. In 2015 we sent a box to a medical Professional in Cordoba, Argentina. 4 years later, she continues to use this Teaching Box for a bi-annual course created to educate healthcare professionals.
To Request a Teaching Box Please Fill out the Following Form and Email it to
“One More Day of Training in DDH. THANK YOU IHDI!”
Professor Nilton Orlando, MD.
Located in Manaus – Amazon, Brazil.