Infant & Child

Understanding Hip Dysplasia

Infant & Child

How Common is Hip Dysplasia or DDH in Babies?

Hip instability is the most common newborn abnormality.

  • Approximately 1 in 10 newborn infants has hip instability. That means the hips can be wiggled in the socket because of loose ligaments. Ninety percent tighten up naturally after birth.
  • Approximately 1 in 100 infants will need treatment for DDH
  • Approximately 1 in 500 infants has a completely dislocated hip
  • A very small number of hips dislocate after the first few weeks for unknown reasons

1 in 10

infants are born with hip instability.

1 in 100

infants are treated for hip dysplasia.

1 in 500

infants are born with completely dislocated hips.

Severity of Infantile Developmental
Dysplasia of the Hip (DDH)

Types of hip dysplasia

Hip dysplasia has a wide range of severity. In some children, the ligaments around the hip joint are loose allowing the hip to subluxate. This is when the ball is no longer centered in the socket. Other times the ball is slightly or completely dislocated from the socket.