Keeping Track of Healthcare

Understanding Hip Dysplasia

Infant & Child - Keeping Track of Healthcare

The best way to keep involved in your child’s healthcare and to help the doctor(s) treating your child is to keep your own, personal, set of records:

  • Keep a small diary of appointments and treatment events. You don’t need to record every detail, but some notes about recommendations and treatment plans are helpful as a reminder for you and for your doctor.
  • If your child has other conditions (diabetes, asthma, etc.), your notes will help you transmit information from one doctor to another and keep track of all the things you need to do.
  • It’s also helpful to keep phone numbers and addresses of all doctors, orthotists, hospitals, and others who may help care for your child.
  • If you are planning to move or change doctors for any reason, it’s a good idea to ask for copies of your records, x-rays, and laboratory studies to keep at home. It’s easier to collect these records as treatment occurs rather than gather it all later.

Instead of depending completely on your memory, being able to refer to notes you took can greatly reduce anxiety and stress.

It helps to notify the doctor if you notice errors or inconsistencies in any records. Good doctors want to make sure their records are accurate and complete so they will appreciate your help.