Patient Stories
Hello my name is Danielle. When I was junior in high school, about 16, I was diagnosed with DDH. I was very active all my life but when I started running track my junior year I had a horrible pain in my right hip my coach took me it was in my mind so keep running. The next morning I couldn’t move or get out of bed so my mom made a doctors appointment with my family doctor. He took x-rays and could not see anything, but told my mom and I that he will send us to an orthopedic doctor to make us feel better.
When we got to midlands orthopedic Dr Fredrick Piehl had new x-rays taken. When he came in and slouched in his chair, he asked if this is how I sit, I answered yes. Then he asked if my hips ever popped or hurt growing up. Again I answered yes but told him my family doctor said it was growing pains and i’ll get over them. Dr Piehl then told me I had DDH in both hips!
My right hip was worse than my left. At the time it was 50 degrees off while my left was 45. I had to have reconstructive surgery that year but I put it off till after football and I cheered half of the basketball season. It was tough being 16 and have to have hip surgery but that did not stop me at all. I recovered quite fast and I was back in sports a month ahead of the normal time.
I made my senior year cheer squad a week after I got off of crunches, with the doctors approval of course. I was 20 when my left started acting up so I had to have another reconstructive surgery. Dr Piehl did the surgery and all was smooth.
I am all better now with and do not need to have anymore surgery!! YAY!! I spend time now telling people about what I have and to make sure you get your child checked!! Thanks for letting me share my story 🙂 God bless