Patient Stories
As a parent the last thing you want to hear after your child is born is that something is wrong. I will never forget when our Doctor came in after our Daughter was born to tell us she had Hip Dysplasia. As new parents you are in shock. Our first reaction was is she in any pain and our next was educating ourselves about the disorder. Honestly we just didn’t want to believe it was true but after 2 different opinions and X-rays we had to face the facts of the long road of recovery ahead of us.
At 4 weeks she was put in a harness. The harness was a nightmare for us at first with clothing and car seats and outings but we made it work making special dresses and hoping she wasn’t uncomfortable. She wasn’t in pain but to us and everyone else that’s the first question they ask. Next at around 9 months she started to walk and we got the metal brace between her legs for a year but she was fast and determined and decided to start running next. Last came the calf and foot braces for the next 7 years. Everyday our Daughter just amazed us through all the therapy, X-rays, CT scans and Doctors she never let it stop her from crushing every obstacle in her way.
Today she is 14 years old. Her Hip Dysplasia is gone and her hips are perfect. She competed on several Select Soccer teams at a young age and Taekwondo. Eventually her love of Taekwondo Sparring took over around the age of 8 and she decided to continue her training seriously in Taekwondo. She is now working on her second degree Blackbelt and last year competed for Team USA as a Cadet in the Pan American Cadet/Junior Championships in Costa Rica and won the Silver for Team USA. She one of the top girls in her age group in the United States as a fighter. She also run Cross Country for her High School and is also one of the top girls in that sport.
I wanted to tell her story to give hope to all the other new parents out their getting the diagnosis for their child, I was you and know how your feeling. This disorder can be treated and corrected. It’s scary now but keep the faith your children can beat this and become the champions we know they are.
Wishing all health and healing. The Mehringer’s