Patient Stories

Cynthia’s story

I’m Cynthia from NYC. I’m 50 years old. Until a year ago I didn’t think hip dysplasia was a thing in adults. Nor could I forsee how it would effect my life. I’ve lived my life on 6 inch heels.  I prided myself on the fact that not only could I walk in them daily, I could run and even play handball in my heels. I’ve had two children via natural birth and I have always enjoyed hiking.  Four years ago I began to have trouble walking and terrible pain in my left leg. After numerous doctors who did not come up with a reason for the pain I decided to change my lifestyle, eat right, exercise,  take plenty of vitamins,  daily boot camp classes and became an avid runner. The pain disappeared.  I was in the best shape of my life. I had incredible muscle tone and ran 6 miles a day for the next two years. As suddenly as the pain disappeared one day it returned and I was again left with being unable to walk. Following another year of misdiagnosis with tendinitis I finally found a Dr. Who diagnosed Hip arthritis and began cortisone shots. Still no one mentioned hip dysplasia.  When the shots stopped working the Dr. Recommended I see a surgeon. This was the first time I had heard I had dysplasia with arthritic cysts and needed immediate surgery. No one mentioned this would mean the same result is likely in the other leg. After a quick recovery, I thought I was through the worst and pain free and could resume my life.  This was five months ago. Last month, just as suddenly the pain in my right hip began. I knew what this meant but as they say hope springs eternal.  Hope was not to be. I am going in for a second surgery next week. 50 years old, two terrible scars two fake hips and the possibilities of further health issues. No one likes to mention the vanity part of this. But to me it is as important if not more devastating then the health and pain issue. I dont want to not be able to do boot camp classes, I don’t want to be out of shape and I don’t want to never wear a bathing suit again. Yet here I am! And its devastating. I’m sure I will get through this, but I never want to see another Jlo or Paula Abdul commercial again 😃😃