Patient Stories
Hello,i am a 49 year old female, born with hip dysplasia. i have been a runner since high school,and besides the pain, it has come quite natural to me, and i have excelled.
However, just the past three months it is so painful i am down to just jogging like three times a week and no longer able to race or do speedwork.
i am so sad and so confused what to do. i went to the orthopedist and he said gravely to me with sympathy,,,,how are you..? i said i was fine until i saw your face. I said it must be bad? he said yes you are definitely going to need that right hip replaced within five years…
i was just crying then, are you sure…? so now i just feel so afraid, but i dont want to be in pain. i wish as probably everyone else does that there would be a way to just build more collagen to pad that damn bone and take away the pain…!
anyway, i just keep trying to think positively but i know after you get a hip replaced you are not suppose to run on it. that is so sad…