Patient Stories
Hello fellow Hip Dysplasia Family! I am very happy that we have the Dysplasia Institute that has made it possible for people to share their experiences and exchange information on this condition. I used to Google this condition for many years but I just to used to get information on Dog Dysplasia.
I was born with congenital hip dysplasia on the left leg in Africa. Back then, they wanted to experiment on my leg and my father refused. I am happy that he did coz I would be in a wheel chair today. I am in my earlier fifties and the hip has been good to me with no symptoms. I wear an orthopedic shoe since the left is shorter by 1.5”. I was able to carry two babies to full term. I saw a specialist 10 years ago and he recommended a THR coz of my deformity. Recently, I have started to experience sharp pains from the hip. I have been taking pain killers but I can’t continue on ibuprophen. I am looking around for adult Specialties who are skilled in deformities. I live in DC area and I am willing to travel within the U.S for care. I am hoping my leg can give me another few months as the surgeries will render me immobile and I am just recovering from some other unrelated surgeries. Life can be very challenging at times.
I have the following questions:
- What is the average time of recovery for THR. Can one work from the bed while recovering? I have flexible job that can be done remotely.
- Is the pain manageable with pain killers?
- Does the pain linger even even after one year?
- Is physical therapy painful in the beginning?
- Is someone on meds for entire time on bedrest
- Did people install stairwells after surgery? I am now in fear of working on these new sockets
- Can someone share their experience of Mayo clinic in private. I understand this is a public forum and people may be unwilling to share their experiences.
- After hip replacement, did the pain go away completely?
- Has anyone been using CBD cream for inflammation and pain relief? I hear great testimonies.