Patient Stories


I was born May 22, 1974 in Niles, Michigan. My story began that day. I was born with no bi lateral dysplastic hips (no sockets). It was not discovered until I was 14 months old, when I began to walk unsuccessfully. I fell sideways which my parents thought quite odd. They say me on the washing machine and sat me down and discovered one leg was drastically longer than the other.

After a visit to the doctors my parents were informed that the top of my femoral bone was floating in my body cavity on both sides. Doctors explained that it was extremely painful, but I knew nothing but the pain so it was normal. This is why it took so long for my parents to find out. My doctor suggested a procedure to my parents so they put my legs in traction and pulled them to where they should have been then put a cast from my waist down to see if they would grow. The hip sockets did grow but they were shape and still had dysplasia.

It was said I would probably not walk but I defied the odds and was fine up till I was 23. I had muscle weakness in my left leg and a popping feeling when I tried to use my leg without assistance. I then began seeing doctor after doctor getting no answers. It seems most doctors are not familiar with this condition and how to properly treat it.
After 2 knee scopes and foot surgery (hip dysplasia caused damage), a doctor found a labral tear in the right hip and decided to replace it. It was extremely painful and had to be revised a second time. It took almost a year to get better. I noticed that my hip slipped when I walked after the surgery and the doctor said it was scar tissue. 5 years later at age 39 I found out that it wasn’t scar tissue but that the hip was placed incorrectly.

I am now 40 and currently awaiting a doctor to help me. I walk with crutches and I am in extreme pain everyday. I now have another labral tear that is getting progressively worse. It has destroyed my left foot and left knee and is causing damage to my sciatic nerve. I have walked this long when I was told I would never do it. I will get through this and hope to inspire others to keep faith and perseverance and life will get better. I hope and pray that my story is read by someone who may answer my prayers.