Patient Stories
Allison’s Story
Allison was born at 5lb 10 1/2 oz baby Girls. When my fince Damon and I first met our new baby girl we though she was healthy, nothing was wrong with her.

But as the night went on doctors came into the room and told us our baby has Hip Dysplasia in both hips. We knew very little about this and what it was. Little as my fince and I knew it would change our lives for ever. The doctor order Allison to be in the harness until her hips go back into place.
The next day the doctors told us that Allison has a heart murmur so she had to on a heart monitor. Later that day Damon’s family came up to visit Allison but the nurse told us they was moving her into the NICU. So now have this wonderful little girl in the NICU with Hip Dysplasia wearing a harness and have a heart monitor on her.

Like any other moms I wanted to stay with my baby but I couldn’t because I had 1year old at home missing her mom.
So I started to write out the “What IF’s” what if the harness doesn’t work? What if she won’t be able to walk? What if I wouldn’t be able to care for her? What if I couldn’t be the mother she needs me to be? What if she needs surgery? What if she dies while being under? That’s what I had to live with for a year and half of my baby’s life.

Now Allison is a 27 month old toddler. She is my light of my life. I couldn’t picture her out of my life. she didn’t started to walk until 24 months. She still sees a doctor for Hip Dysplasia in New Orleans. She goes every 6 mouths for a check up.