Patient Stories

Caitlin’s Story

Caitlin was 16 months when she was diagnosed with DDH. I wasn’t happy with the way she walked she had a funny waddle and used to fall a lot more than she should have. I took her to the GP and showed him her walk and explained she had a funny waddle and when I put her legs together her knees didn’t match. He agreed with me and sent me straight with her up to see a consultant at the hospital. I was with the consultant for 5 mins and straight away asked for an X-ray. Both our fears where confirmed and Caitlin was diagnosed with bilateral DDH. He had explained as she had no sockets it looked like she would need a salter osteotomy on both sides. As soon as she was 18 months he would do the first side.

Caitlin had her first salter in May 2012 and tried to do a closed reduction on the right hip. She was in cast for 10 weeks and . It took Caitlin 9 weeks to walk again but she wasn’t doing to we’ll and I had a feeling her right hip had dislocated again. I called the consultant and I had an appointment to see him the following week. He confirmed what I had thought and Caitlin was scheduled for theatre 2 weeks later. Caitlin had her second salter osteotomy in october 2012. She was in the second cast for 8 weeks this time and was walking before we left the hospital. Caitlin had her last spica cast removed 1 week after her 2nd birthday.

We are waiting for November 2013 (around her 3rd birthday) for our next update.

During all this process Caitlin was such a happy baby and really learned to adapt to her life in a spica cast. 2012 was a very fast year and it went through in a blur. Her consultant was so kind and gentle with Caitlin and ever to Caitlin’s dad and I. We couldn’t have a better service and very grateful he is her consultant.