Patient Stories


My little Layla had developmental hip dysplasia and these stories helped me get through it so I decided to post my own too…

She was born on 8/11/14 and was checked a few hours after by a nurse…Who said she had ‘clicky hips’ I didn’t know a what that meant and I asked her if it was bad and she said “I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about” so I dismissed it…a doctor then came and confirmed it and said she has DHD and that she needed a scan…she was scanned later and we found out she had it really bad and that she needed a pavlik harness…a week later we returned to the hospital and had her fitted into it…it was awful…But we knew it had to be done and we knew it wouldn’t be forever…they told us it should only be for 2/3 months…My daughter was 2 weeks old at that time…so tiny and fragile…

We were advised to come back for another scan a month later…which we did…The results of that scan were very good she had improved alot…And they said that she wouldn’t need an operation…The doctor told us that she would only need one more month so we left…endured another month..And came back for another scan…it showed that her right hip was less than 1 degree away from 60 but that the other one was far behind…We had to keep it on for another month…this month was the hardest but we did it and came back…this time the scan showed that her right had completely healed but that her left hip was very close but not yet healed…we had had enough of it at this point but there was nothing we could do…the doctor said come back in 2 weeks…we came back and scanned her hoping it would be the last time…And we received the wonderful news that she was healed and can now remove the harness…what a relief it was to hold my little girl without that harness…

Now she is 5 months old and and we are waiting for her scan next month to check if it’s all good and that the problem hasn’t come back…

I hated the harness…im not gonna lie…but it was worth it…

A little advice for new mummies who have to go through this…buy your own harness! I regret not buying my own and using the ones they offered at the hospital…they were so bad! They would get dirty and I didn’t have a spare to use while I cleaned it and so I would just wipe it but it would stink and the Velcro would get hard and it irritated her skin…so buy your own there are some really cute ones that have cloth wrapped around them to not irritate the skin…

If you have any questions at all please contact me I’m happy to help with what I can 🙂

You’re doing good mummy/daddy!

Be strong…stay happy…it will be over soon 🙂