Patient Stories
Maddison’s Story
My daughter was born on 19th January 2013, during her routine check up they informed me she had ‘clicky hips’ and a Physio will fit a pavlik harness on her and we were to wait for an appointment for a scan and to see a consultant. The harness didn’t seem to bother Maddison, it seemed to bother me more, we had no straight answers and were told we have to wait until she has her scan. At first we would take it off to change her and bath her, 4 weeks later we finally had our appointment.
The scan showed that her left leg was at 45 degrees and her right was at 35 degrees. The consultant informed us that Maddison was to stay in the harness 24/7 this is when I broke down. We had to learn to put her vests and change her nappy without taking the harness off, she couldn’t have a bath so we had to wipe around and under the harness and Maddison hates being fussed with and dressed so this was a distressing time for her and me.
We were due to go back for a scan 4 weeks later where there had been progress so Maddison was allowed out for baths. That night was bath night and it was great seeing her kick about in the water. Four weeks later we returned and again Maddison’s hips were progressing this time we were allowed to take the harness off for 1 hour a day for her to have a kick about we were hopeful that the next time we would have an appointment it would be off all day but 4 weeks later we were told that her left hip is at 60 degrees which is where it should be but her right hip is slowing down but it’s improving as she is allowed out of the harness for a few hours a day now. Maddison is now 20 weeks and we go back soon to see how her right hip is progressing. Fingered crossed for our next appointment, we are very lucky that the harness doesn’t seem to bother her, she always smiling and happy.