Patient Stories

Sienna’s Story

Siennas hip dysplasia wasn’t picked it up at birth. It was missed by 2 pediatricians and then at 6 weeks old it was picked up on a scan at the hospital that she had hip dysplasia.  Her left hip was very shallow and dislocated. She was then placed into a pavlik harness for 3-4 weeks and then had another scan which showed no improvement. We were then told it would be a closed reduction at 6 months old.

Sienna was still in her harness for a while as i waited to get permission to take it off.

When Sienna was 6 months old, and no word on a surgery data, I followed up with the hospital and got it schedule for next month. On the day of her closed reduction, after she’d been taken away to surgery, waited for her only to be told it wouldn’t work and that her hip is now very unstable and has a blockage. We now would have to be a open reduction when she is 1 years old which she is the end of October.

Really hoping her open reduction works even though it feels like a scary experience to see your baby having quite surgery.