Practice Information
- Age groups you are accepting new hip dysplasia patients: Teenagers and Adults 13+
Contact Information
- Name: Carl R. Freeman
- Degree:
- Title / Position: MD
- Place of Employment / Office Name: Jacksonville Orthopaedic Institute
- Street Address: 1325 San Marco Blvd., Suite 200
- City: Jacksonville
- State/Province: Florida
- Zip/Postal code: 32207
- Country: US
- Office phone number: (904) 346-3465
- Office fax number:
- Medical or Surgical Specialty: PAO’s, Hip Scopes, and Total Hip Replacement
Professional Education and Memberships
- Medical School: Georgetown University, School of Medicine, Washington, DC 2002-2006
- Residency: Orthopaedic Internship and Residency: UPMC Hamot, Erie, PA 2006 – 2011 Dept. of Orthopaedic Surgery
- Fellowship training:
- Hip Arthroscopy Fellowship:
International Society for Hip Arthroscopy Traveling Fellow Summer 2011
First Traveling Fellow in the society’s history
Trained under Drs. Thomas Byrd and Michael Leunig - Surgical Preservation of the Hip:
AO Fellowship Spring 2011
Schulthess Klinik, Zurich , Switzerland
Trained under Drs. Michael Leunig, Reinhold Ganz, and Martin Beck - Arthroscopy Association of North America Spring 2015
Travelling Fellow
The Steadman Philipon Clinic, Vail, CO
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT
Southern California Orthopaedic Institute, Los Angles, CA
- Certifications:
- American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery 2014 – 2024
- Board Certified 94669
- Beginning Date 7/24/2014
- Medical Licenses:
- Florida ME11145 (active) 2009- Present
- Georgia MD 84294 (active) 2019- Present
- Pennsylvania MD435179 (inactive) 2011- Present
- Society Memberships (list up to four only):
- American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (Fellow) 2011- Present
- Arthroscopy Association of North America (Associate Member) 2014 – Present
- International Society for Hip Arthroscopy (Active Member) 2018 – Present
- American Association of Hip and Knee Surgeons 2022 – Present
- Academic contributions for DDH research or education including publications:
JW Thomas Byrd MD, Kay Jones RN, Carl R Freeman MD, TA Ferguson MD. Labral Ossification and Sacroiliac Joint Disease: Could There Be a Link to an Autoimmune Etiology? Arthroscopy. 2019 Aug;35(8):2333-2337. doi: 10.1016/j.arthro.2019.03.049. Epub 2019 Jul 23.
JW Thomas Byrd MD, Kay Jones RN, Carl R Freeman MD. Surgical Outcome of Pincer Femoroacetabular Impingement With and Without Labral Ossification. Arthroscopy. 2016 Jun;32(6):1022-9.
Carl R. Freeman MD, Michael Azzam MD, Michael Leunig MD. Surgical Care for Femoroacetabular Impingement and the Possibility of Preventing Hip Osteoarthritis. Review. Journal of Hip Preservation 2014 Oct 28; 1(2):46-55.
Carl R. Freeman MD, Kay Jones RN, JW Thomas Byrd MD. Hip Arthroscopy for Legg Calve Perthes Disease: Minimum 2 Year Follow Up. Arthroscopy. 2013 Apr;29(4):666-74
Carl R. Freeman MD, Kelly R. McCormick MD, Donna Mahoney CHT, Mark Baratz MD, John D. Lubahn MD. Nonoperative Management of Distal Biceps Tendon Ruptures Compared
with a Historical Control Group. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2009;91:2329-2334
Michael Wyatt MD, Carl Freeman MD, Martin Beck MD. “Anatomy of the hip joint.” Fractures of the Hip. Büchler, Lorenz,Keel, Marius J.B. (Eds.). Springer, 2019.
Carl Freeman MD, Michael Leunig MD, Martin Beck MD and Reinhold Ganz MD. “Anatomy of the Acetabulum.” Fractures of the Pelvis and Acetabulum—Principles and Methods of Management, Marvin Tile, David Helfet, Jim Kellam, and Mark Vrahas. AO Trauma, 2015.
Michael Leunig MD, Carl Freeman MD, Reinhold Ganz MD, and Martin Beck MD. “Anatomy of the Acetabulum.” The Adult Hip, 3rd Ed. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Aug 6, 2014.