Practice Information
- Age groups you are accepting new hip dysplasia patients: Infants and children, Adolescents
Contact Information
- Name: Harry K.W. Kim
- Degree: MD
- Title / Position: Director, Center for Excellence in Hip Disorders
- Place of Employment / Office Name: Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children
- Street Address: 2222 Welborn Street
- City: Dallas
- State/Province: Texas
- Zip/Postal code: 75219
- Country: United States
- Office phone number: 214-559-7877
- Office fax number: 214-559-7872
- Medical or Surgical Specialty: Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip, Legg-Calve Perthes Disease, Avascular Necrosis, Other hip disorders
Professional Education and Memberships
- Medical School: McGill University
- Residency: University of Toronto Orthopaedic Resideney
- Fellowship training:Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto
- Certifications:ABOS
- Society Memberships (list up to four only):Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of North AmericaAmerican Academy of Orthopaedic SurgeonsOrthopaedic Research SocietyAmerican Board of Orthopaedic Surgery
- Specific training in hip dysplasia:Pediatric Orthopaedic training at the Hospital for Sick Children, TorontoHip ultrasound training at Alfred I. duPont Institute, USA