Age groups you are accepting new hip dysplasia patients: Adolescents, Adults
Contact Information
Name: Joel E. Wells
Degree: MD, MPH
Title / Position: Associate Professor
Place of Employment / Office Name: University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Street Address: 1801 Inwood Road
City: Dallas
State/Province: Texas
Zip/Postal code: 75390
Country: United States
Office phone number: 214-645-4116
Office fax number: 214-645-3340
Medical or Surgical Specialty: Joint preservation, resurfacing, reconstruction
Professional Education and Memberships
Medical School: Tulane University
Residency: Harvard University
Fellowship training:Washington University
Certifications:American Board of Orthopaedic Surgeons
Society Memberships (list up to four only):International Society of Hip ArthroscopyTexas Orthopaedic AssociationAmerican Association of Hip and Knee Surgeons
Specific training in hip dysplasia:Boston Children’s HospitalWashington University of St. Louis
Academic contributions for DDH research or education including publications:Dessouky R, Chhabra A, Zhang L, Gleason A, Chopra R Chatzinoff Y, Fey NP, Xi Y, Wells J. Cam-type femoroacetabular impingement-correlations between alpha angle versus volumetric measurements and surgical findings. Eur Radiol (2019).Gasanova I, Alexander JC, Estrera K, Wells J, Sunna M, Minhajuddin A, Joshi GP. Ultrasound-guided suprainguinal fascia iliaca compartment block versus periarticular infiltration for pain management after total hip arthroplasty: a randomized controlled trial. Reg Anesth Pain Med (2019);44:206-211.Wells J, Schoenecker P, Petrie J, Thomason K, Goss CW, Clohisy JC. Are Complications After the Bernese Periacetabular Osteotomy Associated With Subsequent Outcomes Scores? Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2018 Nov 8.Wells JE, Clohisy JC, O’Keefe RJ. Treatment of intra-articular hip malignancy with extra-articular resection, preservation of the acetabular columns, and total hip arthroplasty. Arthroplast Today. 2018;4(4):431-435. Published 2018 Sep 7.Sankar Wudbhav N. MD; Novais, Eduardo MD; Koueiter, Denise MS; Refakis, Christian MD; Sink, Ernest MD; Millis, Michael B. MD; Kim, Young-jo MD, PhD; Clohisy, John MD; Wells, Joel MD, MPH; Nepple, Jeffrey MD; Zaltz, Ira MD. Analysis of Femoral Version in Patients Undergoing Periacetabular Osteotomy for Symptomatic Acetabular Dysplasia. JAAOS – Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons: August 1, 2018 – Volume 26 – Issue 15 – p 545–551Zhang L, Wells J, Dessouky R, Gleason A, Chopra R, Chatzinoff Y, et al. 3D CT segmentation of CAM type femoroacetabular impingement—reliability and relationship of CAM lesion with anthropomorphic features. Br J Radiol 2018; 91: 20180371.Yan K, Xi Y, Sasiponganan C, Zerr J, Wells JE, Chhabra A. Does 3DMR provide equivalent information as 3DCT for the pre-operative evaluation of adult Hip pain conditions of femoroacetabular impingement and Hip dysplasia?. Br J Radiol 2018; 91: 20180474Wells J, Schoenecker P, Duncan S, Goss CW, Thomason K, Clohisy JC. Intermediate-Term Hip Survivorship and Patient-Reported Outcomes of Periacetabular Osteotomy: The Washington University Experience. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2018 Feb 7;100(3):218-225.Wells J, Millis M, Kim YJ, Bulat E, Miller P, Matheney T. Survivorship of the Bernese Periacetabular Osteotomy: What Factors are Associated with Long-term Failure?. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2016;475(2):396-405.Wells J, Nepple JJ, Crook K, et al. Femoral Morphology in the Dysplastic Hip: Three-dimensional Characterizations With CT. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2016;475(4):1045-1054.Nepple JJ, Wells J, Ross JR, Bedi A, Schoenecker PL, Clohisy JC. Three Patterns of Acetabular Deficiency Are Common in Young Adult Patients With Acetabular Dysplasia. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2016;475(4):1037-1044.Duchesne JC, Kimonis K, Marr AB, Rennie KV, Wahl G, Wells JE, Islam TM, Meade P, Stuke L, Barbeau JM, Hunt JP, Baker CC, McSwain NE Jr. Damage control resuscitation in combination with damage control laparotomy: a survival advantage. J Trauma. 2010 Jul;69(1):46-52.
Optional Personal Statement: Hip dysplasia is a complex condition that does not consist of a single parameter that must be corrected, but instead it is a multitude of anatomic derangements. Dysplastic hips involve complex anatomic abnormalities, and a thorough knowledge of the anatomic differences is necessary in order to properly treat and restore the optimal biomechanics of the hip. Because of the anatomic abnormalities, hip dysplasia is a major cause of osteoarthritis in the young adult hip that can lead to osteoarthritis and the need for arthroplasty at a young age. It is my lifelong goal to help patients who suffer from hip dysplasia. This is such a unique patient population, that is often overlooked and misunderstood. With a desire to cure arthritis from hip dysplasia, I hope to further the field of hip research and surgical expertise