Age groups you are accepting new hip dysplasia patients: Adolescents, Adults
Contact Information
Name: Steven A. Olson
Degree: MD
Title / Position: Chief Hip Preservation Surgery
Place of Employment / Office Name: Duke University School of Medicine
Street Address: Duke Univrsity Medical Center, 200 Trent Drive
City: Durham
State/Province: North Carolina
Zip/Postal code: 27710
Country: United States
Office phone number: 919-668-3000
Office fax number: 919-668-2933
Medical or Surgical Specialty: Orthopaedic Surgery
Professional Education and Memberships
Medical School: University of Missouri School of Medicine
Residency: University of Missouri Hospitals and Clinics
Fellowship training:August 1991- July 1992 Orthopaedic Trauma – UC Davis Medical Center, Mike Chapman – DirectorSeptember 1992 Universite de Paris, Choisy Fellow – Pelvic Surgery Prof. Emile Letournel – DirectorOctober 1992 – Inselspital, Bern, Switzerland AO Fellow with Professor Ganz – DirectorNovember 1992 – Hannover Hochschule/Umfallchurigie AO Fellow – Prof Tscherne – DirectorJanuary – June 1993 Hospital of the Good Samaritan, Los Angeles, CA Hip, Pelvis & Acetabulum Reconstruction Fellowship. Joel M. Matta, MD – Director
Certifications:American Board of Orthopaedic Surgeons
Society Memberships (list up to four only):American Academy of Orthopaedic SurgeonsAmerican Association of Hip & Knee SurgeonsOrthopaedic Trauma AssociationInternational Society of Hip Arthroscopy
Specific training in hip dysplasia:September 1992 Universite de Paris, Choisy Fellow – Pelvic Surgery Prof. Emile Letournel – DirectorOctober 1992 – Inselspital, Bern, Switzerland AO Fellow with Professor Ganz – Director
Academic contributions for DDH research or education including publications:
2017 Olson SA, McGrath, M : Chapter – Periactebaular Osteotomy for Treatment of Adult Hip Dysplasia in Chapman’s Operative Orthopaedics
Guevara CJ. Pietrobon R. Carothers JT. Olson SA. Vail TP. Comprehensive morphologic evaluation of the hip in patients with symptomatic labral tear. Clinical Orthopaedics & Related Research. 453:277-85. 2006
Garras, D.; Crowder, T.; Olson SA.: Medium term results of the Bernese periacetabular osteotomy in the treatment of symptomatic developmental dysplasia of the hip. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery-Brittish 89-B:721-724. 2007 . .
Optional Personal Statement: As an Orthopaedic Surgeon my primary focus of research is joint preservation. My primary clinical interests are Orthopaedic Trauma and Hip Reconstruction. In Orthopaedic Trauma my research interests are 1) Basic science investigations of articular fractures with two current animal models in use. 2) Clinical research includes evaluation of techniques to reduce and stabilize articular fractures, as well as management of open fractures. In the area of Hip Reconstruction my areas of research are 1) Hip Arthroscopy and treatment of hip disorders, and treatment of labral tears in the treatment of hip pain. 2) Periacetabular osteotomy for the treatment of hip dysplasia.