Prestigious Award Given to IHDI Research Team

Prestigious Award Given to IHDI Research Team

Research from the International Hip Dysplasia Institute has been recognized as one of the top three scientific presentations at the prestigious International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, in Montreal, Canada. The Hip Dysplasia Institute has been working for several years with the University of Central Florida College of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. Our research team has been developing a computerized model of infant hip dislocations in order to determine why the Pavlik harness sometimes fails. Prominent scientists from around the world heard our presentation of this model and were given the opportunity to comment. Victor Humayave a PhD post-graduate student presented the information and received the award on behalf of the research team.


This is an encouraging boost to our efforts because it helps us know that we are on the right track after close scrutiny by other scientists. The model still needs to be refined but we have already identified several possible solutions that have not been previously considered. While computer models have their limitations, it is important to make the model as accurate as possible in order to simulate the position of the hip, the actions of muscles, gravity, harness straps and other forces that may help or hinder hip reduction. Other areas of science such as automotive design, airplane engineering and drug development are being helped by this type of computer analysis. We are fortunate to have a team of amazing engineers, students and doctors working on this massive project.
This award may also help bring recognition to the efforts of IHDI so further funding may be available through the National Science Foundation or other funding agencies. Unfortunately, hip dysplasia research doesn’t have any commercial value so there’s almost no support from pharmaceutical companies or orthopedic implant companies except for adults in the area of total hip replacements. We are dependent on donations and very limited government grants to continue the work of the International Hip Dysplasia Institute. This wouldn’t have been possible without the generosity of Cara and Dan Whitney – also known as Larry the Cable Guy – who set us on the path of finding better answers for patients with hip dysplasia. Please join the effort with your donations if you possibly can.