Hip pain can be caused by several different problems. Pain that aches during standing, walking, or general daily activities may be due to thinning or wearing out the joint surface itself. This is commonly known as osteoarthritis.
Pain with certain movements that is sharp, catching, or has a snapping sensation may be caused by trochanteric bursitis, labral tear, impingement, or sometimes from instability of the joint itself.
Hip Joint Pain
Often confused with other types of pain around the hip, hip joint pain is often felt in the front of the hip region.
Trochanteric Bursitis
/When the pain is on the side or outside of the hip, this may be from muscles rubbing on the trochanter. This is also known as bursitis. Sometimes it feels like something is snapping in and out of place on the side of the hip.
Read more about… Trochanteric Bursitis
Torn Labrum
Pain in the groin with a snapping noise suggests something is torn or loose inside the joint or possibly a muscle is snapping in front of the joint itself. Pain that is sharp, stabbing or has a catching sensation in certain positions may be due to a torn labrum or an impingement.
Read more about… Torn Labrum
Impingement is not usually caused by dysplasia, but it can be painful. The pain is more like a pinching pain in certain positions of sitting or hip movement like a high kick when dancing.
Read more about… Impingement