Star of “Malcolm in the Middle” tells her hip dysplasia story

Star of “Malcolm in the Middle” tells her hip dysplasia story

Jane Kaczmarek has had many starring roles in movies and television. Perhaps she’s best known for her role as Lois in “Malcolm in the Middle”. During filming she had increasing hip pain that required total hip replacement because of shallow sockets. She shares her story on Fox News as part of a program sponsored by DePuy Orthopedics that makes total hip replacements. The International Hip Dysplasia Institute cautions against choosing surgeons based on the brand of total hip or because of public marketing programs that promote a specific company such as DePuy or any other specific company. However, her interview may be interesting to many adults with hip dysplasia because her pain and problems are common early signs of shallow sockets that is the same as hip dysplasia. In younger individuals with less severe involvement, hip preservation surgery may be an alternative to total hip replacement.

Click here to learn more about adult hip dysplasia.

Watch her video here: