Age groups you are accepting new hip dysplasia patients: Infants and children, Adolescents, Adults
Contact Information
Name: Ernest L. Sink
Degree: MD
Title / Position: Attending Physician, Associate Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery Weill Cornell Medical College, Associate Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery Hospital for Special Children / IHDI Medical Advisory Board Member / Member Hip Preservation Advisory Board
Place of Employment / Office Name: Hospital for Special Surgery
Street Address: 535 East 70th Street
City: New York
State/Province: New York
Zip/Postal code: 10021
Country: United States
Office phone number: 212.606.1268
Office fax number: 212.606.1685
Medical or Surgical Specialty: Orthopaedic Surgery, Pediatric Orthopaedics
Professional Education and Memberships
Medical School: University of Texas Southwestern Medical Cener
Residency: University of Texas Southwestern Medical Cener
Certifications: American Board of Orthopaedic Surgeons
Society Memberships (list up to four only):
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of North America
Academic contributions for DDH research or education including publications:
Sink E, Gralla J, Ryba, A, Dayton M. Clinical Presentation Of Femoroacetabular Impingement in Adolescents. J Pediatr Ortho Dec 2008; 28(8):1-6.
Sink, E. Surgical Hip Dislocation. Orthopaedics May 2009; 32(5):329.
Sink E, Zaltz I, Heare T, Dayton M. Acetabular Cartilage and Labral Damage Observed During Surgical Hip Dislocation for Stable Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis. J Pediatr Orthop Jan-Feb 2010; 30(1):26-30. /
Sink EL, Beaulé P, Sucato D, Kim YJ, Millis MB, Dayton M,Trousdale RT, Sierra RJ, Zaltz I, Schoenecker P, Monreal A, and Clohisy J., Multicenter Study of Complications Following Surgical Dislocation of the Hip. JBJS Am 2011; (93): 1-5
Sink EL, Kelly BT, Williams RJ, Poultsides LA. Surgical Hip Dislocation, Osteochondroplasty and Osteochondral Allograft Transplantation to Correct FAI and a Large Osteochondral Lesion of the Femoral Head. HSS Journal 2012.
Sink EL, Kim YJ. Femoroacetabular impingement: current clinical evidence. J Pediatr Orthop. 2012 Sep;32 Suppl 2:S166-71.
Tibor LM, Sink EL.Periacetabular osteotomy for hip preservation. Orthop Clin North Am. 2012 Jul;43(3):343-57.
Sink EL, Leunig M, Zaltz I, Gilbert JC, Clohisy J; Academic Network for Conservational Hip Outcomes Research Group. Reliability of a complication classification system for orthopaedic surgery. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2012 Aug;470(8):2220-6.
Sink EL. Femoral Acetabular Impingement: Diagnosis/ Etiology/Treatment Options. Berry, Lieberman (Eds) Surgery of the Hip. Elsevier; 2010.