International Advisory Committee
Natalie Trice is based in the UK and her second son was born with Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip (DDH) which changed the course of their lives. Lucas’ brave journey, inspired Natalie to write ‘Cast Life – A Parent’s Guide to Hip Dysplasia’ to help others and raise awareness of this common, but often unrepresented condition. Together with the help of leading orthopaedic surgeons, experts and other parents, Cast Life covers pretty much everything parents, carers and even professionals, need to know about DDH and how to deal with whatever comes their way.
Natalie also set up DDH UK, a charitable trust and their online forum supports hundreds of people around the world each year.
When she isn’t raising awareness of DDH, Natalie has a PR and writing business and enjoys spending time on the beach, near her home in Devon, with her husband, two boys and dog, Dotty.
Read Natalie’s story here: Natalie Trice