Practice Information
- Age groups you are accepting new hip dysplasia patients: Not accepting new patients
Contact Information
- Name: Nicholas M.P. Clarke
- Degree: ChM, FRCS, FRCS Ed.
- Title / Position: Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon and Emeritus Professor / IHDI Medical Advisory Board Member
- Place of Employment / Office Name: University of Southampton / Southampton General Hospital
- Street Address: Tremona Road
- City: Southampton
- State/Province: Hampshire
- Zip/Postal code: S016 6YD
- Country: United Kingdom
- Office phone number: 02380 764971
- Office fax number: 02380 764358
- Medical or Surgical Specialty: Pediatric Orthopaedics
Professional Education and Memberships
- Medical School: University of Bristol
- Residency: Radcliff Infirmary, Oxford and Royal Orthopaedic Hospital, Birmingham
- Fellowship training:AI duPont Institute United States, Kyushu University Japan
- Certifications:FRCS, FRCS Ed.
- Society Memberships (list up to four only):
- European Pediatric Orthopaedic Society,
- British Orthopaedic Association,
- British Society for Children’s Orthopaedic Surgery
- International Pediatric Orthopaedic Think Tank
- Academic contributions for DDH research or education including publications:
- Elbourne, D., Dezateux, C., Arthur, R., Clarke, N.M.P., Gray, A., King, A., Quinn, A., Gardner, F., Russell, G. Ultrasonography in the diagnosis and management of developmental hip dysplasia (UK hip trial): clinical and economic results of a multicentre randomised controlled trial. Lancet. 2002 Dec 21-28;360 (9350):2009-17. PMID: 12504396
- Clarke, N.M.P., Luther A.Z. Developmental Dysplasia of the hip and occult neurology. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2008 Apr;466(4):871-7. Epub 2008 Jan 30. PMID: 18231844
- Barham, G., Clarke, N.M.P. Genetic Regulation of Embryological Limb Development with Relation to Congenital Limb Deformity in Humans. J Children’s Orth. Vol 2:1-9 2008
- Clarke, N.M.P., Sakthivel, K., The diagnosis and management of congenital dislocation of the hip. Paeds and child health. Paeds and child health. Vol 18/6:268-271 2008
- Bolland BJRF, Wahed AK, Al-Hallo S, Culliford DJ, Clarke NMP Late reduction in congenital dislocation of the hip and the need for secondary surgery: radiological predictors and confounding variables. J Pediatr Orthop. 2010 Oct-Nov;30(7):676-82. PMID: 20864852
- Davies JH, Reed JM, Blake E, Priesemann M, Jackson AA, Clarke NMP. Epidemiology of vitamin D in children presenting to a pediatric orthopaedic service in the UK. J Pediatr Orthop 2011, 31;7:Oct/Nov 798-802
- Clarke NMP, Page JE Vitamin D deficiency: a paediatric orthopaedic perspective. Curr Opin Pediatr. 2012 Feb;24(1):46-9PMID:22189396
- Clarke NMP, Reading IC, Corbin C, Taylor CC, Bochmann T. Twenty years experience of selective secondary ultrasound screening for congenital dislocation of the hip. Arch Dis of Child 2012;97:423-9 Published Online First: 12 March 2012 doi 301085 PMID:22412044
- Clarke NMP, Taylor CC. Diagnosis and management of developmental hip dysplasia. Paeds and child health. Vol 22/6:235-8 2012
- Clarke NMP, Castaneda P. Strategies to improve nonoperative childhood management (DDH). Orthop Clin North Am. 2012 Jul;43(3):281-9. PMID:22819157