Practice Information
- Age groups you are accepting new hip dysplasia patients: Infants and children, Adolescents
Contact Information
- Name: Nicole Williams
- Degree: FRACS, BMed, BMedSc, Certified Sports Medicine
- Title / Position: Visiting Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgeon, Senior Research Associate / IHDI Medical Advisory Board Member
- Place of Employment / Office Name: Women’s and Children’s Hospital Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
- Street Address: 72 King William Road
- City: North Adelaide
- State/Province: South Australia
- Zip/Postal code: 5006
- Country: Australia
- Office phone number: 61 8 8161 7223
- Office fax number: 61 8 8161 7057
- Medical or Surgical Specialty: Orthopaedic Surgery, Pediatric Orthopaedics, Sports Medicine
Professional Education and Memberships
- Medical School: University of Newcastle
- Residency: Port Macquarie Base Hospital NSW, Manly District Hospital NSW, John Hunter Hospital NSW, Royal Newcastle Centre NSW, Maitlando Hospital NSW, Price of Wales Hospital NSW, Women’s and Children’s Hospital North Adelaide
- Fellowship training: Shriner’s Hospital for Children Portland USA, Women’s and Children’s Hospital North Adelaide
- Certifications: FRACS, Graduate Certificate of Sports Medicine University of New South Wales
- Society Memberships (list up to four only):
- Royal Australasian College of Surgeons
- Australian Orthopaedic Association
- Australian Paediatric Orthopaedic Society
- Australian Medical Association
- Academic contributions for DDH research or education including publications:
- Williams N, Hardy BM, Tarrant S et al.: Changes in hip fracture incidence, mortality and length of stay over the last decade in an Austrailian major trauma centre. Archives of Osteoporosis 2013 8:150.
- Williams N, Foster BK, Cundy PJ: Is swaddling damaging our babies’ hips? MJA 2012 197(5): 272.
- Optional Personal Statement: I have a strong committment to Orthopaedic research, education and the provision of out services.