We first heard from Shelby nearly 6 years ago. Her personal battle with Hip Dysplasia touched many of our viewers hearts and so we got to wondering. What ever happened to Shelby?
Below is an online interview, 17 years post PAO.
To view Shelby’s original story please click here: https://hipdysplasia.org/patient-stories/teenage-young-adult/shelbys-story/
It’s been over 6 years since we first heard your touching story and nearly 17 years since your PAO. Tell us a little about how you are doing now.
I can’t believe it’s been 17 years since my PAO! Things are still going great for me after so many years post-surgery. Since my story was published I have continued to be active, working out 4-5 days a week. My workouts are varied from running, to lifting weights and even some yoga! For the most part, my surgery hasn’t impacted or limited any of these activities in any way. I also have had 2 children, ages 6 and 3, both of which were born naturally with no issues due to my surgery.
Do you find that you are limited in any activities you want to do?
I have very little limitations due to my surgery. The only issues I notice are when there is an activity that requires hip flexor strength (think ab workouts with leg lifts!) After a few, there is a noticeable weakness in my leg which prohibits me from doing several in a row. Other than that, I have no pain in my leg or hip socket.
Your story received over 50 comments. Did you ever expect to have such an impact?
No! I just wanted to share my story as I was someone who struggled with hip pain for so many years with no answers. When I finally knew what was wrong, I was scared I wouldn’t be able to do all the activities I have enjoyed for so many years. I just wanted others to know there are positive outcomes to a surgery that is very intimidating.
What advice would you give a young adult recently diagnosis with hip dysplasia?
While everyone’s experiences are different, I would just want others to know there are solutions out there so you don’t need to live with pain. And there is a way to resume a normal life afterwards!
I was looking over your story when I realized, IHDI hadn’t been formed when you we’re going through your hip dysplasia diagnosis and treatment. What type of information was available to you during that time?
Correct, there was limited information when I was diagnosed with hip dysplasia. The main information that was available to me was what was provided to me from my doctor. I was also put in contact with another patient that had a PAO recently to learn more about the procedure and post-surgery care. This was probably the most useful information, which is why I was excited to share my story with others as well!
Any final thought?
Thank you for reaching out to me and getting more information out about Hip Dysplasia!